Thursday, January 31, 2013


Big up to all my loyal Blog Followers ( and you are legion !).
Thanks for the support , I am still adding to the blog but as I am primarily interested in visuals I have started an Instagram account and am getting quite into it - so If you are on it , start following me and If you are not on it,  get on it . It's quick to upload pics so it's more up to date that this blog .
I do like a nice large image though so the blog lives on .
Also I am currently updating my  website   so check it out and let me know what you think too.

Ralf & Florian's Studio

This is the back cover of  Kraftwerk's Ralf and Florian LP.
I'm no musician but that is the coolest looking studio bar none ( It's got a traffic cone in it ).
Looks like it could be Williamsburg circa 2013 but it 40 years ago in Düsseldorf.
Respect is Due.

Friday, January 4, 2013


Late last year I completed my first (of many ) batch of homemade Lemoncello.
It takes 8 weeks of maturing lemons and grain alcohol in a Closed Vapour System.
This is then tempered with a simple syrup to bring it down to a respectable 35% alcohol by volume.
Don't think I'm legally allowed to sell it but hit me up if you want in on the next batch due March 2013.