Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Visual Engineering

Some recent popla textilery trendsetters

Typical Dutch

Did this T-shirt with a friend ( She came up with the wording , me the design ) who also finds themselves sometimes bemused by our lowland friends.
Want one ? Cost is €25 or if you can prove you are not dutch €20 inc P&P BTW VAT etc

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Christmas Card

It's that time of year again.....
I won't reveal all yet as one may be on it's way to you - If it isn't email me and I'll send you one.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Credit Crunch

Coming to a catalogue near you soon ! Some paid work from Mini Boden S/S 2010
Cheerz Emma !

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Keep an eye out

Sometimes collections just creep up on you - Bam ! before you know it you're fiending for the next addition.
Someone gave me a glass eye about twenty years ago , then recently found myself picking up eyes here and there.
Keep 'em peeled.
PS Myles - don't dis the shop homeboy ! Even Walmart had to start somewhere

Monday, October 26, 2009

By 'Eck As Like !

Just got back from a few days ' up North ' - Leeds to be exact - highlight was The Royal Armouries Museum choc full of gun, death & torture - what more do you want these days ?

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Open For Business !

Come one come all to the Popla 1000 Boutique ! Just follow the link on the right hand side and get your wallets out.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Albert Heinous

For those of you in the unfortunate position of residing in the Netherlands Albert Hein needs no introduction.
For those of you who don't let me fill you in.
It's supposed to be this countries' premiere supermarket.
It isn't.
It's a scuzz hole - think Moscow circa 1975 - they never have what you want , they never have enough staff - unless there is only two customers in the store then there's about 50 shelf stackers getting in your way ( I think they all hide in the back when it gets busy ) , most of the stuff on the shelves is past sell by , when you can finally locate an employee they are oh so helpful like only the dutch can be, they completely over package everything- eg meat vacuum packed then put in a polystyrene tray then sealed in a plastic bag and get this my North American friends - they don't take credit cards !

Now I know what you are thinking tax dodgers ! Why doesn''t he go somewhere else then ? Well I do, but that involves going by bike and there's only so much shopping you can ferry on a bike. So I struggle on with it daydreaming of Fred Meyer or all those lovely UK supermarkets.

Badges ? We don't need no stinkin' badges.

Did some badges the other day . Want one ? Let me know and I'll send you one.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Reduced to the state of a bum

The only way to learn about money is not to have any they say.
Well, our household has been a zero income one for almost a year now so I'm getting used to not having the spending power I once had.
Is this a good thing I hear you ask, trendsetters ?
Well yes an no - in many ways it's easy having no money as your decision making gets somewhat easier : shall I buy that latest Kaws piece of plastic ? err...No.
I am starting to miss buying new clothes - this was brought home to me when I had put buying some new underpants off for too long so decided I would have to splash out. Whereas beforehand I would have got some nice Comme/Prada/Bijorn Borg/Marlies Dekkers pairs, this time the destination wasLidl to pick up a two pack of 'Livergy' pants for the princely sum of €5.
What sort of name is Livergy ?? Sounds like a medical complaint - maybe not in Germany , but still you don't invest in jarquard branded waistband tape displaying such a crap name - leave it blank and charge me €4 for two pairs please.
I know they say 'designer' brands are a rip off but the quality of these pants are low and I know they aren't going to last like my more expensive pairs.

You get what you pay for...............


Now I don't like plugging other people's stuff as a rule as that's their job.
But here's a book you must put on your shopping list:
Bibliographic - 100 Classic Graphic- Design Books by Jason Godfrey .
Even a quick glance leaves us who love books wanting all 100 - I only own 4 of them ( so far).
In many ways it leaves you longing to see all of the books in their entirety but you get a good feel from each double spread - plus when you do track them down there's more to look forward to.
Plus I reckon there's about 200 T-shirt designs to be had from it straight off the bat with a scanner , printer and a scalpel.
( If you know my real name you will see why I'm plugging it - thanks to my mum for buying it for me as I'm still not spending at the moment)

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Cold Lampin'

Third stop this summer was Great Britain.
Financial constraints dictated a more cost effective vacation for all and sundry this year ( after Crete & Spain ).
Let's go camping on England's sunny south coast we said , with memories of camping trips from years gone by and thoughts of sunny evenings hanging outside tents drinking and talking shit.
I had forgotten in my 8 years absence that England is crap and the weather even more crap.
What should have been two weeks of fun was 14 days of getting rained on and our resolved tested to the very limits of friendship. To be fair there was a couple of days where the sun came out , but never long enough to get into a stride of it all.
Praise the Lord for Mr Griffins rain shelter - spent most of the time under that making tea then cocktails.
Dorset , Devon & Cornwall are very beautiful places - just not when you have trench foot and no escape from the rain.
Highlights included Throop Scooper's Ring of FIre , "Us Bungee men never go under five pounds" , Drinking Cornish ale in a dry pub , Cycling with The Griffmeister to Burgh Island by the scenic route, a mad curry in Bodmin & going home.

I ducked out of the last day camping to travel up to London to DJ at Fabric with Swayzak & Matt. What a welcome relief it was to have a hotel room and electricity at my disposal .Mr Brown took us on a mighty interesting mystery tour of North London in his old Citroen.Fabric was good fun - great to blast out some old tunes and watch the freaks dance ( or not , when it was my set ). I would included some pictures but my camera broke due to previous damp conditions.
Spent the next day at The Serpentine Gallery to see the Jeff Koons 'Popeye' show - a bobby dazzler ! It's on until September 13th - make sure you check it out.
Next post will be some new work I promise.........

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Viva Espana

Next stop on the summer tour was Spain - Bendorm to be exact - a once lush paradise that has been shat on from a great height by the tourist industry - the British in particular.
We stayed mercifully some distance from the town centre.
Thanks to the Climent / Brugels for putting up with us.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Crete 09

Just got back from 3 whole weeks holiday in Crete so haven't posted in a while.
Had a great time with no internet, TV or news - great to get away from it all , but also good to be back.
Next stop : Espania.

On The wheels......

It's been a good few years , but Thadeus Concept ( that's me ) is DJing in front of a paying audience once again.
It's going to be old stuff as I haven't been buying anything new.
Big up to swayzak for making it happen.
It's at Fabric , London Saturday August 15th 2009.
Email me - I'll put you on the list.........

Monday, June 15, 2009

Getting shirty

Been doing some proper paid work recently - helping to pay for some escape from Amsterdam this summer ( so posts may be scarce ).
Also had time to do some T's here and there.
Remember , I'm always up for some commissions......