Monday, December 13, 2010

Slip Slidin' Away...

Woke up at 4.30 AM today and heard a large crunch , didn't think much about it then went back to sleep.
Three hours later there was a helicopter circling the crib which took me back to my Brixton days except this was a news helicopter not the filth.
Anyway, this what it was all about.

Thanks Xavier ( Cugat ? ) for calling me " rich " ( click on the photo to read the comment) - we rent this place and owe a dutch bank so much money for our failed Amsterdam venture , it made me laugh.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

.... The Goose Is Getting Fat.....

Getting ready for the festive season .
My boy Mukku is guest of honour .
Just finished the annual festive card , which this year felt too much like a chore so apologies if it's not up to standard - not enough money or time .


Was given this game by some friends last weekend and love it - a cheap stocking filler after you've bought one of my Tee Shirts.