Seeing as I haven't sold any tees online at all - yes AT ALL it's time to buy buy buy !
My wife has enough of my tomfoolery - keeps talking about ' paid work ' , ' being responsible' and 'useless' piles of T-shirts 'cluttering up the house'.
Apart from a cash in hand deal for a Steve Jobs RIP from my boy in PDX I have not sold one bastard thing on this world wide website.
I'm not naive - i know it's because my tees aren't really what people want to wear, let alone shell out good money for.
With that in mind I figure why not do tees that no-one would ever even dream of wearing.
So here it is - the unofficial Fred Meyer Uniform !
I love Fred Meyer , even the Loco Lake City store but because none of you trendsetters buy anything off me I'm now shopping at Grocery Outlet Bargain Market buying generic cereals.
An artist reduced to the state of a bum.