And back ?
Sad to be posting another obituary but heard the news the other day that RAMM:ELL:ZEE had drunk his last Olde E through a straw.
For those of you who don't know who he was , let's just say he was one hell of an out there individual.
But a true originator . His single Beat Bop with K-Rob is a hip hop classic , mandatory two copies .
It says it was produced by Jean Michel Basquiat but he just bankrolled it .
Also of note was that he fell out with K-Rob after he went round to Ramm's mum's house high on crack and got his knob out.
As well as rekkids Rammellzee was also a graffiti writer and pushed that boundary as far as it would go.
just check him out on the web .
Evo' Grillin ! I'll miss him.